MIO | PreJury-2

PreJury-2 Poster

Firstly, I look at the zoning of the site. Kaleiçi is the cultural part and this part has high circulation and when this circulation comes through Karaalioğlu Park, it starts to dissolve. To connect this high density circulation with Talya Hotel, I analyze the streets. Actually, the street between and the otel and the Karaalioğlu Parkı is unconnected. So we are unable to access directly to the site from the byroad. To provide the continuity of this axis, I extend the path into the site. Also, I continued the axis from the streets in order to maintain the relation with the sea. This continuation comes with the rupture of the right part of Talya Hotel.

When we looked at the horizontal axis of the Miradors (viewing platforms), they provide a visual relation with the sea on the cliff but when we looked at the marina, there is more direct relation between these vertical surface and sea. Because of that vertical surfaces and terraces are become important. To apply these two types of relations and provide the continuity of the axis into the site, I connect the masses with terraces.

The Brief of Arch402 Project

This year the term project topic of ARCH402 will be a Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography in Antalya. Oceanography is the scientific discipline which is concerned with the geological, physical, and chemical aspects of the world’s oceans and seas as well as the biological properties of the marine environment. Geological oceanography deals with the geological evolution and formation of the sea basins; physical oceanography deal with the properties of sea water; such as the movement of the seawater, formation of icebergs and the interaction between the sea, weather, and climate; chemical oceanography focuses on the composition of seawater, seafloor sediments, and the pollutants; and biological oceanography deals with marine ecology focusing on the living organisms inhabiting the seas.

The project site is located on a cliffed shore in Antalya on which Talya Hotel is situated. Operated between 1975-2013 as the first five star hotel in Antalya, Talya Hotel now remains idle. There are several judicial decisions that require the building to be demolished, yet there are no official building codes which may lead to construction of a new building at the same spot. The project site has a plot area of 15.890 m2 and the MIO is expected to have a total of 20.000 m2 closed space. The existing building and the cliffed shore suggests great potentials and challenges for the design of the MIO. Although the MIO will be located on this specific site, it may be considered as a part of a greater chain of institutes located in other Mediterranean coastal cities.